Today: It is currently 55 degrees outside, but feels like 52. We are experiencing moderate showers with cloudy and gloomy skies. The rain as of now is supposed to carry throughout the entire day. Winds are going northwest about 12 mph. It is a bit cool outside, temperatures are surprised to drop by nightfall but not drastically. If you have to make a commute today I would advise wearing a rain coat, rain boot and/or bringing an umbrella. Stay safe and try to stay dry.

Seven-Day: Looking into this week at a glance a person can observe that we are going to experience some rain and some shine. The beginning of this week started off wet, with it raining consistently. As for today and tomorrow the temperature started to drop gradually moving away from those hotter degrees. By the end of this week as we head into the weekend the sun starts to make another appearance bringing back those warmer temperatures. The temperatures are expected to be in the 70 to 80 degree range. With that being said expect it to warm up giving us a sun filled weekend.

-Weather Forecaster: Ky’Lie Garland-Yates