By: Dimitri Napoleon
Indianpolis,IN – According to the Associated Press, Indiana public schools WILL have the opportunity to receive 61 million dollars in grants to fund and improve remote learning capabilities.
This comes on the heels of the coronavirus pandemic and school systems across the country transitioning to an online learning environment.
To receive these grants schools must apply by July 17 and whether or not they qualify will be based off need and is funded through the Governor’s emergency education relief, which is financed through the CARES act.
Public schools and charter schools, accredited non-public schools, higher education institutions and others all qualify for these state grants.
If a school were to land a grant, the money would go towards digital devices, digital services, and other products to boost internet connections. Partnerships that improve remote learning would also be supported
Governor Holcomb weighed in a statement that stated “Teachers, administrators and superintendents have faced this pandemic with innovative solutions to ensure our students continue to receive the best education possible,”